More grousing - rant coming!

Subject: More grousing - rant coming!
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Jan 30 2010 - 21:33:19 CST

The unpleasant part of my job as Board secretary is dealing with
complaints, some of which are frequent. So please be aware of rules, and
if you can't, be aware of common courtesy:

1) It's OK to smoke in your unit. It's NOT OK to smoke to the extent
that strong fumes drift to other units. Owners who rent should be aware
that they, the landlords, are responsible for their tenants, and if
tenants are unresponsive to requests to reduce fumes, they, the
landlords, pay the price.

2) Smoking in public areas, to include hallways and stairwells, is
not allowed, both by Vanguard rules and city ordinances. Those caught
will be fined.

3) Please be aware of noise courtesy. Hard sole shoes, tromping, heavy
heels, audio (especially bass), major fights, whatever --- be courteous.

4) Parking - Don't abuse guest parking privileges. We've tried to be
gentle, but the abuses are getting a bit out of control. No more
warnings. Violators will be towed.

5) Dogs must be registered annually

6) Bikes must be registered

Most of our renters are great people and have taken an aggressive role
in trying to deal with renter issues. But, as we move toward 25 percent
rentals, we have people who aren't aware of rules or courtesy norms.
Too many landlords, it seems, fail to communicate to their renters the
basic rules.


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