Subject: Re: AT&T DSL
From: Barbara Thomas (
Date: Fri Mar 19 2010 - 05:09:58 CST

We also have had AT&T for internet for a couple of years and it has been virtually problem-free. I lost my connection once about a month ago, and I tried reseting it and doing this and that. But it turned out to be nothing more than something had come lose on the power strip on the floor. So the problem was solved before I even had to call them.


On Mar 19, 2010, at 4:28 AM, Deborah Compagner wrote:

> Hi Marty
> I had it happen once w/AT&T where my connection stopped & they had to
> come out to reset something. You may want to give them a call. It
> wasn't a big deal, just a hassle. But, it's only happened once the
> couple of years I've had them.
> Deborah
> Sent from my fabulous iPhone...which would be much more fabulous if it
> were powered by Verizon.
> On Mar 18, 2010, at 9:20 PM, Marty Platten <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Wondering if anyone in the building has DSL service from AT&T. If
>> so, have
>> you been experiencing connectivity issues over the last week? My
>> service
>> has off pretty much since Friday (back on briefly Sunday). I've
>> experienced
>> pretty decent service over the last few years with them, so I have to
>> imagine there is a serious issue with their lines. Just wonder
>> where the
>> issue is.
>> Also, has anyone tried the new 'Clear' service and if so, how has your
>> experience been?
>> Thanks.
>> Marty
>> 609

Barbara Stewart Thomas

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