Subject: Re: Parking spaces: Reminder - only vehicles
Date: Thu Mar 25 2010 - 16:50:41 CST
From time to time I have found Kelly's cart very useful. I'm fine
with it.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 25, 2010, at 5:45 PM, "Kelly Cacioppo " <
> wrote:
> Thank you Mary - I support your proposal. Can we create/ vote on an
> amendment to the policy regarding grocery carts (only) at the next
> meeting? I fully understand not wanting garage spots to be used as
> storage spaces, but I think a cart to carry things up and down is
> more than reasonable- or at least deserves a chance to be voted on.
> No other item would serve a purpose to be stored in a garage spot,
> so I don't think it would create a domino effect of requests.
> Jim, I'm not familiar with the process of how we're supposed to
> bring a request like this to the board, so if you can let me know
> how to do so, I'd appreciate it.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 22:29:57
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Parking spaces: Reminder - only vehicles
> I agree w/ Kelly. While I don't leave my cart there all the time, I
> bring it down when I know I will be bringing a lot of stuff home
> from the store. It stays in my spot while I'm at the store then back
> up (full) to my unit. We have regs that specify certain things can't
> be stored on our balconies, why not amend this one to specify that
> collapsable carts of a certain size are ok? If it's spelled out
> exactly what's allowed, there should be no room for argument.
> Mary
> ------Original Message------
> From: Jim Thomas
> Sender:
> To:
> ReplyTo:
> Subject: Re: Parking spaces: Reminder - only vehicles
> Sent: Mar 25, 2010 5:02 PM
> We don't go around inspecting or hunting for things, but if somebody
> brings it to our attention or we happen to see a violation of some
> kind, we respond.
> H-1 of the rules is explicit, stating that nothing can be stored in a
> parking place, including folded grocery carts, boxes, paint, baby
> carriages, kayaks, trailors, or anything else. It's an issue because
> people have stored all sorts of things. We addressed this a while
> back,
> so this is just a reminder.
> Yes, it's possible to vote on it, but that vote have to be a vote
> on a rules change. If there are rules that people want to change, they
> can introduce it at a Board meeting, and then procedures specificied
> both by law (ICPA) and the Vanguard bylaws kick in for passing it.
> This is one rule that should, in my view, stay, because to open up
> parking spaces to allow non-motor vehicles creates all sorts of
> problems.
> Jim
> On Thu, 25 Mar 2010, Kelly Cacioppo wrote:
>> Are folded grocery carts really an issue? if I keep the cart in my
>> unit it doesn't really serve its purpose. Is this something we can
>> vote on?
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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