Subject: Changing rules
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Mar 25 2010 - 17:11:25 CST
Kelly, the Bylaws provide the mechanism for changing rules (see below).
For a rule change, a special meeting is required. The new wording of the
rule is submitted to the Board (or the Board can initiate it). It
is then distributed to all owners. The special meeting is held to hear
all sides. Then, the Board votes on the role. Note that the Board, not
the owners, make the decision.
If you want a rule change, the first step is to submit a formal request
to the Board that includes the wording you want to change. The parking
rule is in Section H-1 of the bylaws on the homepage:
From the bylaws:
L. Rules and Regulations. To adopt such reasonable rules and regulations
and amendments thereto as it may deem advisable for the maintenance,
operation, conservation and beautification of the Property, and for the
health, comfort, safety and general welfare of the Owners and Occupants
of the Property, after a meeting of the Owners called for the specific
purpose of discussing the proposed Rules and Regulations, notice of
which contains the full text of the proposed Rules and Regulations and
which conforms to the procedural requirements for the calling of a
regular or special meeting of the Association under the Act. No quorum
is required at this meeting of Owners. No rule or regulation shall
impair any rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States or Section 4 of Article I of the
Illinois Constitution. Written notice of the adoption of such Rules and
Regulations shall be given to all Owners and Occupants. The Developer
or Declarant shall have the right to adopt and promulgate the initial
Rules and Regulations for the Association which may be amended by any
subsequent Board as provided herein.
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