Subject: Re: Bikes in outside/rear rack
Date: Sat Apr 17 2010 - 06:32:26 CDT
And what happens when those w/ bikes don't pay? Does the board threaten to remove them? Past experience has shown me that some people ignore requirements with seemingly no consequences. For example, we currently are required to register and have a sticker on our bikes to use the spaces in the storage room, but I notice several bikes w/o the stickers which have not been removed. I would rather not have to pay even a nominal fee if others will have the same access to the racks w/o paying it.
------Original Message------
From: Jim Thomas
To: vanguard lofts
Subject: RE: Bikes in outside/rear rack
Sent: Apr 16, 2010 5:41 PM
Follow-up to my response to Jonathan on a second bike rack. I'm just
floating this UNOFFICIALLY for feedback from everybody.
Here's a rough price list - prices vary, but this is reasonably accurate
How would people feel about charging a one-time fee for big
registration? Perhaps $10 or $15. We'd use this to buy a new bike rack.
Bikes parked in the racks would not replace inside spots, and bikes in
the outside rack(s) would have to be registered. It's essentially
a users-fee so that those without bikes need not subsidize personal
habits of those of us with bikes.
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