Re: Bikes in outside/rear rack

Subject: Re: Bikes in outside/rear rack
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Apr 17 2010 - 12:17:08 CDT

Mary, as always, raises good points. No easy answers, but here's a

1) When people violate rules/requirements, we prefer to first put out
reminders and contact the residents involved privately. If that doesn't
work, then we issue violation letters and, if necessary, fines. Because
of privacy rules, the formal consequences are invisible to other
residents, but there are consequences. It might not seem like it, but
we prefer a shared community of cooperation rather than a policed
community with threats.

2) The Board doesn't search for violations. They come to our attention
when other residents report something or if something is immediatly
obvious. So, some violations slip through the cracks until reported.

3) The issues raised about the bike rack are difficult to resolve. My
idea might not work, and Mary identifies why. Perhaps the best solution
is for the Association to by a rack (they cost between $400-$600), but
we're trying to economize given the upcoming roof replacement. However,
there appears to be a number of people who want a second rack.

4) On the issue of bikes without registration stickers: We ran into
a problem: Past residents with registered bikes/stickers move out, we
have no more stickers for many numbers, so we've had to assign bike
hooks without always being able to provide a new sticker. To our
knowledge, all the bikes on the hooks are registered. If a bike is
illicitly on another owner's hook, that owner will usually let us know
rather firmly. Some empty hooks are registered - I've had two bikes
stolen in recent years, so I have an empty hook until my new bike comes
in May. So, not all empty hooks are available.


On Sat, 17 Apr 2010, wrote:

> And what happens when those w/ bikes don't pay? Does the board threaten to remove them? Past experience has shown me that some people ignore requirements with seemingly no consequences. For example, we currently are required to register and have a sticker on our bikes to use the spaces in the storage room, but I notice several bikes w/o the stickers which have not been removed. I would rather not have to pay even a nominal fee if others will have the same access to the racks w/o paying it.

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