RE: Air Conditioning Units

Subject: RE: Air Conditioning Units
From: Barbera, Phil (
Date: Wed May 12 2010 - 09:26:24 CDT

I use Certified Heating & Cooling. They provide great service at a great price. Attached is a flyer with all their information. They may need to coordinate with First Properties to get access to the roof.

Phil Barbera
Owner #210

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-----Original Message-----

From: [] On Behalf Of Carly Gray
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 9:15 AM
Subject: Air Conditioning Units


I called the people that the First Properties recommended for the air conditioning to be cleaned/fixed for the $85 rate.
I had them come, they didn't have a part and said they would come the following day to install.
No phone call or call back for now over a week.
Is there anyone else anyone can recommend, or am I forced to only use this company because they're the only people allowed on the roof? (which if that is the case I think it's BS).


Carly S. Gray
Insurance Representative, Property & Casualty
Brewer Insurance Group, LLC<><>
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