Re: Air Conditioning Units

Subject: Re: Air Conditioning Units
From: Deborah Compagner (
Date: Wed May 12 2010 - 09:57:12 CDT

Hi Carly,
I've used Sun Ray 708-481-9150 for the last couple of years.

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Carly Gray <
> wrote:

> Help?
> I called the people that the First Properties recommended for the air
> conditioning to be cleaned/fixed for the $85 rate.
> I had them come, they didn't have a part and said they would come the
> following day to install.
> No phone call or call back for now over a week.
> Is there anyone else anyone can recommend, or am I forced to only use this
> company because they're the only people allowed on the roof? (which if that
> is the case I think it's BS).
> Thanks,
> Carly S. Gray
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> Brewer Insurance Group, LLC
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