Subject: Dogs and guest parking
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat May 15 2010 - 22:51:01 CDT
The unpleasant side of life again:
1) PLEASE -- no dogs in the front lobby!! We've had reports, and it
appears that this was a rather active weekend. We don't want to issue
violation letters with the fine, but a few people are repeat offenders.
2) Guest parking - we've had complaints in the past two weeks of
some cars (three of them SUVs) parking for extended periods in the
guest parking areas, some repeatedly for a month or two. Please
remember: If you have guests who park for over 24 hours, you must
notifiy, and get permission from, the Board! Residents CANNOT use
the guest spaces as a convenient second parking spot.
3) REGISTER YOUR DOGS! Only a couple of people have registered since
our last push to get them registered by June 1, so please!! Get them
registered. Here's the form:
You can make it out and slip it, with a check for $50, under Chris's
door (unit #301) or put the slip under his door and contact Donna and
have it deducted from assessments. But, June 1 is the deadline.
Jim Thomas
NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
Visiting Professor, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois/Chicago /
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