Re: Speaking of stolen papers....

Subject: Re: Speaking of stolen papers....
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 15:36:56 CDT

The code has not changed, but it is not working. First Properties has had
the unit serviced, and the problem has been diagnosed as a telephone line
problem. This means Ameritech needs to get involved. The soonest I am
able to get an Ameritech service tech to the property is AUGUST 15! I am
working on other possible solutions in the meantime.
Michael E. Rutkowski
(773) 935-5617

First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: Speaking of stolen papers....

> Thanks for your info. I, too have been plagued by the "newspaper
> bandit". I subscribe to the Sun-Times. I called to see if door delivery
> is available. It IS. However they say they'll need a key &/or a code to
> gain access to the building remember at one time residents were given
> the code for the first door. That since has changed. Does anyone know
> the new one or if we'll be supplied with in the future? (It is a great
> benefit tot quickly be able to get into the place we all own. This is
> especially true in inclement weather or when you have groceries or
> packages.) So, does anybody out there know how get the code? How can the
> various vendors obtain this inf.. Having the papers delivered might
> solve this problem.

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