Subject: Re: Newspapers
From: Barbara Thomas (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 17:23:52 CDT
daaron wrote:
> Sorry, you are mistaken. I do not have the security code for the building.
> First Properties is in charge of giving the code to vendors. For as many
> owners that want the world to access our building there are as many who do not
> want this. The security access code issue was discussed at the first board
> meeting. The decision was made that the code would be given to certain
> vendors but not owners.
I remember this issue being discussed at the board meeting that I attended which
was back in May. I thought a decision was made to give owners the access code.
There was a lot of discussion on just how the information was to be given out and
I have never heard another word about it since then.
By the way, speaking of board meetings, the first board meeting was announced on
the hall bulletin board. Since that time I have never known when the meetings
were taking place. I haven't seen any notices on the board and the only thing I
have seen was on the web page. Isn't there one this week? Shouldn't board
meetings be announced in a more conspicuous way? How many people are going to go
to the web page to find out when the meetings are being held? Some people don't
even have computers to check this.
I just checked the web page and the next meeting is July 26. The last meeting was
June 21 and I never knew about it until after the fact. I ask again--shouldn't
notice of meetings be posted in a more public manner like on the bulletin board
and be up there for a while so people can have plenty of advance notice?
Barbara Thomas
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