Subject: RE: Newspapers
From: daaron (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 15:54:43 CDT
Sorry, you are mistaken. I do not have the security code for the building.
First Properties is in charge of giving the code to vendors. For as many
owners that want the world to access our building there are as many who do not
want this. The security access code issue was discussed at the first board
meeting. The decision was made that the code would be given to certain
vendors but not owners.
>===== Original Message From faye lucarelli <> =====
>I have heard that the president of the Vanguard Lofts Condo
>Association and First Properties have the codes, but I
>could be mistaken. Perhaps at the next meeting we can talk
>about this issue and have one of them give the newspaper
>people the code asap. (I have been trying to get it on the
>agenda for some time now, but I haven't been able to attend
>the past few meetings and from the minutes it appears as
>though nothing has been discussed.)
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