Subject: Real problems, or just communication breakdown?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 18:18:10 CDT
Debra makes a good point: Let's not unfairly blame the Board for
our frustrations. From the meeting I attended in June, from
their posts, and from the actions they've taken, I share the view of most
folk that they're doing a good job. The recent posts applauding the
windows, carpets, and especially the beautification team is further
evidence that the Board is responding to our concerns.
According to 1P (First Properties), Board members are UNPAID. They are
also new and feeling their way through the process of managing a community
association, and we should work together to help them (and each other).
On the other side, many people cannot attend association meetings for a
variety of legitimate reasons. That's why communication is so important.
Let's look at one way communication breaks down:
Michael wrote:
> The Board has been posting notices on the bulletin board the week of the
> meetings. However, they are not required to do so. Because they are in
> fact, Board meetings, only the board members need be notified.
Michael, one common theme running underlying the recent concerns and
complaints has been lack of information. Some of the escalating heat
in recent posts might, just might, be cooled out with more concern for
the residents' concerns and less for legalistic dodges.
On several occasions you've alluded to law, especially the Illinois
Condominium Property Act, to justify actions 1P has taken.
(for the curious, the ICPA is at:
We can leave it to the lawyers to debate the issues, but not all
attorneys with expertise in condo law agree with the legal (and other)
rationales you've used both in public and private. Perhaps it all comes
down to which side of the fence the interpreter is on and who's interests
the interpreter is protecting. But, let's say for the sake of argument
that you are correct in your interpretations: Well, It's never good PR to
blow off concerns or issues with legalistic arguments. You needlessly
create adversaries and escalate tensions.
And, of course, Michael, that one is not legally-bound to act in the
communal interest is not dispositive of their honor-bound duty to do so.
I would hope that, as the mentor for the new board (the members are
doing a fine job as near as many of us can see), you're not encouraging
them to withhold information out of fear of legal liability or to
close ranks against the condo community.
Others can decide for themselves what the legal and ethical
obligations of a board are specified in the ILLINOIS CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY
ACT, IL ST CH 76 605/18 (see:
As a suggestion: Perhaps those of us with complaints can calm down a bit
and 1P might take a more proactive approach to providing information.
I'll post some specific steps later tonight.
jt / #501
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
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