Subject: Re: Real problems, or just communication breakdown?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 11:21:00 CDT
On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Michael E. Rutkowski wrote:
> Thank you for the input. I agree with your statements, and have readily
> encouraged open communication.
Michael, there could be some slippage between your personal style, which
is open and communicative, and the more terse "official style" of ascii.
The latter tends to be what most of us see. At the May meeting, you were
quite supportive of democratic and communicative governance. Perhaps you
and the Board could kick around the following, for starters. Some of them
could be taken up by the Board in the next few meetings:
1) ISSUE: Perhaps there's some misunderstanding about what the function of
1P is. SOLUTION: How about putting up (on the homepage) a copy of the
contract between Vanguard and 1P?
2) ISSUE: Where do our assessment fees go? SOLUTION: We all received
a copy of the budget. But, how about putting a copy of it on the
homepage for those who misplace it?
3) ISSUE: Lack of communication. Many of us feel that communication
between 1P/the Board and the rest of us could be improved. This is
ironic, given that board meetings have allowed member input rather
freely, both during board discussions and after formal business.
And, of course, we have this discussion group. SOLUTION(S): Maybe
a short discussion at the next business meeting of ways to
improve communication between all residents:
a) Increased frequency of the Vanguard voice (or whatever we call it)
b) A systematic procecure for announcing meetings and posting
minutes (not everybody is online)
c) Delegate a Board spokesperson to answer basic questions and serve
as a liason between the members and the Board. Or, maybe there could
a separate committee (or individual) who serves a similar purpose.
d) Clarify the difference between a "members' meeting" and a
"Board meeting;" It still isn't fully clear as explained
e) Prior to (or after) each Board meeting, and a members' meeting in
which members can discuss mutual concerns with the board.
4) Place a copy of the association's bylaws online.
5) ISSUE: What are the recent rules enacted by the Board?
SOLUTION: Maintain a list of the recent rules/policies that the Board has
passed so, over time, we don't have to wade through past minutes
6) ISSUE: How do we bring issues before the Board? We could go to
individual board members, of course. Perhaps this is best. I offered a
list both of longterm and shortterm issues prior to the June meeting,
but the minutes indicate none were addressed. SOLUTION: How about an
explicit statement on the preferred way to do this, such as a delegated
Board member who collects member concerns each month and posts them
prior to meetings? (A non-board member could also do this).
7) ISSUE: The Board's duties and obligations; They've already taken some
hits, but they've also been demonstrably effective. SOLUTION: Consider
modest compensation for the Board.
These are just a few issues suggested by recent posts. Any others?
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