Subject: Re: Unit 414
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 07:58:07 CDT
Come on...A month ago, I told the Association and First Properties, via
private email and phone conversations, exactly what was going on. I've
waited long enough before taking these gross pictures and publishing to the
community. I know if I wait long enough the problem might go away or I can
turn my head and look the other way....I don't think so! I'm sure you would
feel the urgency if this crap was next door to you.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Unit 414
Author: daaron <> at WRIGLEY
Date: 7/24/2000 3:09 PM
To all subscribers/owners at Vanguard Lofts.
This is to let everyone know that the Association is trying to
resolve the
problem with the dog poop on the balcony contrary to the
impression that it
isn't being addressed.
I received an anonymous note under my door regarding dog poop
on the balcony
of 414. I then contacted the owners and discussed it with
them. They assured
me it was a one time accident and it wasn't a problem - wouldn't
happen again.
Two weeks after that I was informed that it was still
happening. I asked
First Properties to step in and address the issue with the
owners - which they
did. We also asked for photos as further proof - which Robert
has now
supplied for us. I will discuss this issue Wednesday evening
to see what our
next step should be.
Thank you,
Debra Aaron
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