Re: Unit 414

Subject: Re: Unit 414
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 08:47:54 CDT


You brought the situation to my attention, I sent your neighbors a letter
AND stopped by personally to discuss the problem. I hoped my visit would be
taken more a "neighbor" expressing concern as opposed to the bldg mgr.
(that's how neighbors should behave, right?) As with Debra, I was assured it
wouldn't happen again.

Obviously, this was not the case. Now the Board can discuss how to handle
this at the next meeting.

I do have to ask Robert, with true sincerity, what is it you'd like us to do
(within the boundaries of the law), beyond what we have already done? I am
looking for a constructive answer. Please take the time to think about and
let the Board or me know.

Michael E. Rutkowski
(773) 935-5617

First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; "daaron" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Unit 414

> Come on...A month ago, I told the Association and First Properties, via
> private email and phone conversations, exactly what was going on. I've
> waited long enough before taking these gross pictures and publishing to
> community. I know if I wait long enough the problem might go away or I can
> turn my head and look the other way....I don't think so! I'm sure you
> feel the urgency if this crap was next door to you.
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> Subject: Unit 414
> Author: daaron <> at WRIGLEY
> Date: 7/24/2000 3:09 PM
> To all subscribers/owners at Vanguard Lofts.
> This is to let everyone know that the Association is trying to
> resolve the
> problem with the dog poop on the balcony contrary to the
> impression that it
> isn't being addressed.
> I received an anonymous note under my door regarding dog poop
> on the balcony
> of 414. I then contacted the owners and discussed it with
> them. They assured
> me it was a one time accident and it wasn't a problem - wouldn't
> happen again.
> Two weeks after that I was informed that it was still
> happening. I asked
> First Properties to step in and address the issue with the
> owners - which they
> did. We also asked for photos as further proof - which Robert
> has now
> supplied for us. I will discuss this issue Wednesday evening
> to see what our
> next step should be.
> Thank you,
> Debra Aaron

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