Re: Unit 414

Subject: Re: Unit 414
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 10:34:40 CDT

> I do have to ask Robert, with true sincerity, what is it you'd like us to do
> (within the boundaries of the law), beyond what we have already done?

This issue raises one of the problems of condo living - or any type of
collective living. At what point do we request external intervention
(police, courts, 1P, the Board)? Some of us prefer not to be directly
involved in disputes, especially with contentious or hostile neighbors.
Others might prefer direct confrontation, which can escalate the
issue and bring in secondary win/lose agendas.

Most of us don't know each other well enough to feel comfortable in
complaining directly to our neighbors for somewhat serious issues.
Michael, one possible solution is to elect/appoint a "mediation committee"
of some type as an intermediate step. This wouldn't preclude other
options, but it might help keep some disputes from escalating,
and it would help make the problems a bit more collective rather than


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