dish vs. cable

Subject: dish vs. cable
From: Mary Janowski (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 07:58:56 CDT

Am I the only owner who is concerned about the board taking a (semmingly)
huuried vote on the dish vs. Prime issue?

I am e-mailing them urging them to postpone the vote until we can further
examine our options. To be forced to accept ONE service is causing me
consternation, not to mention the fact that I will be locked into this service
(whether good or bad, affordable or expensive) for TEN years. I am asking
that they look for a provider that does not insist on exclusivity.

Yes, the security camera they offer sounds nice, but weighed against the fact
that I will be compelled to have Dishnetwork, it seems that we might be better
off purchasing a camera and allowing owners their choice of TV providers.

I have been attempting, since last Tuesday, to contact Dishnetwork by phone.
I have yet to get through to them, encountering a busy signal. If this is
indicative of their customer service this might also suggest that this would
not be a good decision.

A decision of this magnitude should not be made hastilty. This affects the
"resale-ability" of our units among other things. If you agree, please ask
the Board to postpone the vote or to offer to present it to the entire
association (all owners) for a vote.


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