Subject: Re: dish vs. cable
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 09:58:53 CDT
I appreciate your concern and want to comment on a few
things. Please see below:
--- Mary Janowski <> wrote:
> Am I the only owner who is concerned about the board
> taking a (semmingly)
> huuried vote on the dish vs. Prime issue?
I do not believe this is a hurried vote. We have been
working on this for several months. We have questions
that need to be answered by the satellite provider and
I do not believe that a decision will be made until
these questions are answered to our satisfaction. We
may get answers to these questions at the next board
meeting and we may not. Many of these questions came
from concerned owners and we are appreciative of all
the feedback we have received.
> I am e-mailing them urging them to postpone the vote
> until we can further
> examine our options. To be forced to accept ONE
> service is causing me
> consternation, not to mention the fact that I will
> be locked into this service
> (whether good or bad, affordable or expensive) for
> TEN years. I am asking
> that they look for a provider that does not insist
> on exclusivity.
Currently, our only option is Prime Cable (or rabbit
ear antenna). There are no other companies in our
area. No other companies are expected until around
2003 (although this can obviously change). Basically
we do not have any options now other than Prime Cable.
Like it or not - you are forced to accept one service
now. We are concerned about the length of the
contract and need to ensure that there is incentive on
their part to keep prices in line, effect repairs in a
timely manner and keep up with technology. These are
some of the key questions we need to have answered.
> Yes, the security camera they offer sounds nice, but
> weighed against the fact
> that I will be compelled to have Dishnetwork, it
> seems that we might be better
> off purchasing a camera and allowing owners their
> choice of TV providers.
Nobody will be compelled to have Dishnetwork service
any more than they are compelled to have Prime Cable
service now. Even if we buy a security camera (est.
$2,000) we cannot use it without signing a restrictive
contract with Prime Cable that WOULD require every
unit to pay for cable tv from Prime Cable. They do
not allow owners to choose other providers.
> I have been attempting, since last Tuesday, to
> contact Dishnetwork by phone.
> I have yet to get through to them, encountering a
> busy signal. If this is
> indicative of their customer service this might also
> suggest that this would
> not be a good decision.
It is possible that you have an old or incorrect phone
number. I know that Michael has been able to get
through to his representative. Information is also
available at We have received
feedback from current users of Dishnetwork's service
and they are very satisfied.
> A decision of this magnitude should not be made
> hastilty. This affects the
> "resale-ability" of our units among other things.
> If you agree, please ask
> the Board to postpone the vote or to offer to
> present it to the entire
> association (all owners) for a vote.
As the board felt some unease at making this decision
alone, we sent a list of pros and cons out some time
ago and asked for feedback. We want to make sure that
the decision reflects the wishes of the owners. The
response has been overwhelmingly in favor of making
the change and we have received some good questions to
put to the satellite provider's representative. We
are still interested in owner feedback. If you have
something to say, this is your opportunity. Keep in
mind that if we get our questions answered at the
Wednesday meeting, a vote may take place on the issue.
If you have questions, let us know soon.
John Luedtke
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