
Subject: Dishnetwork
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 23:10:01 CDT

Board Members,
    The issue of the satellite dish has caused me to ask some questions.
1. Does dish network currently have the capability to offer high speed
Internet access
2. If I or other residents do not want this service will we be forced to
subscribe to it if we want cable.
3. What are the exact savings by having this service.
4. Has Prime cable been contacted to see if they will offer a comparable
deal. I'm sure that they don't want to lose 105 customers without offering
some kind of discount or brake on their high speed Internet access
5. What if a better service comes to our area and some residents want to
6. What guarantees do we have that dishnetwork won't hike up their prices
down the road.
7. Is dishnetwork HDTV compatible since most TV stations and televisions sold
today are.
8. How will this contract with dishnetwork affect unit owners when they sell
their units or will it affect them at all.
9. What happened to our rights to choose for ourselves what we want.
10. Did someone originally call dishnetwork or was it unsolicited.
11. If owners want a satellite dish instead of cable, can that dish be placed
on the roof where nobody can see it.
These are just a few of the concerns that other unit owners and I have about
this discussion. I work the evenings that the board meetings have been held
on and have not had the opportunity to hear the responses, if any, to these
questions. Personally, I do not like the idea of limiting my choices by
signing a 10 year exclusivity contract.

Paul Sanchez
Unit 615

    Since I cannot attend the board meeting, I would appreciate if another
unit owner could raise these issues.

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