Subject: RE: dish vs. cable
From: Amit Choksi (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 10:28:12 CDT
I shared some of the concerns with the board a week or so ago, but since I
will also be unable to attend the meeting and I would like to share my
concerns with the entire group also.
I would like to get satellite TV, and have been wanting to do so since I
first moved in. Looking through the list of Pro's and Con's about the deal:
1) I would be very hesitant to lock into a contract for a technology based
service for more than 1 year. While I understand that there are deployment
costs that need to be offset, 10 years is a very long time. Nowadays,
technology related to any type of data transmission is changing on an almost
daily basis. If we sign up for this service, what guarantees will we have
that our provider will stay current with new technologies? What guarantees
will we have that new technologies adopted by our provider will be made
available to us at the same time they are available to their single
unit/home residential customers?
2) Will our monthly costs be at or below what home customers pay?
3) Does their contract specify a service level agreement of any kind? Since
we will be locked in with them for 10 years, we need to make sure they have
incentives to make prompt repairs. For example, businesses sign up to 3 year
contracts with phone companies for high speed fiber internet access. Even
though they are bound by a 3 year contract, a problem not resolved in 30
days would allow a business to terminate their contract.
4) Do they offer Asian/Indian programming such as TVAsia and ZeeTV?
5) Will a separate dish and decoder box be needed for Indian programming?
Will they provide this equipment?
6) If we choose to go with this provider and they do not provide Indian
programming, will individuals be allowed to find an alternate provider for
just this programming?
These are just a few questions that came to mind. Maybe if you could
summarize the questions/concerns/pluses that individuals have sent in an
email to everyone that might spur some more thinking and conversation. This
is a very big decision, so lets make sure we do it right and think
everything through.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 8:37 AM
To: Group Discussion; Mary Janowski
Subject: Re: dish vs. cable
10 years is along time to be locked into any type of contract. With
technology changing so quickly, is this what we really want to do? This
product might be attractive now but is this the complete and total answer
for the next 10 years? I agree with Mary!
______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: dish vs. cable
Author: Mary Janowski <> at WRIGLEY
Date: 8/22/2000 7:58 AM
Am I the only owner who is concerned about the board taking a
huuried vote on the dish vs. Prime issue?
I am e-mailing them urging them to postpone the vote until we
can further
examine our options. To be forced to accept ONE service is
causing me
consternation, not to mention the fact that I will be locked
into this service
(whether good or bad, affordable or expensive) for TEN years.
I am asking
that they look for a provider that does not insist on exclusivity.
Yes, the security camera they offer sounds nice, but weighed
against the fact
that I will be compelled to have Dishnetwork, it seems that we
might be better
off purchasing a camera and allowing owners their choice of TV
I have been attempting, since last Tuesday, to contact Dishnetwork
by phone.
I have yet to get through to them, encountering a busy signal.
If this is
indicative of their customer service this might also suggest
that this would
not be a good decision.
A decision of this magnitude should not be made hastilty. This
affects the
"resale-ability" of our units among other things. If you
agree, please ask
the Board to postpone the vote or to offer to present it to the
association (all owners) for a vote.
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