Subject: RE: Dishnetwork
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 13:38:47 CDT
You state below that I answered only some of your
questions. I thought I had answered all of your
questions. Please let me know which ones I did not
--- "Lozano, Cynthia" <> wrote:
> I am in agreement with these three vocal people. I
> did e-mail the board
> yesterday and although you may have answered some of
> my questions, I'm not
> completely comfortable with a final decision being
> made by the board.
> Obviously there are things I haven't thought of
> either because of my busy
> schedule, but I am confident others have thought of
> questions that need
> answers.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Luedtke []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 12:07 PM
> To: Belinda Leeney;;
> Subject: Re: Dishnetwork
> I am sorry to hear that you are getting negative
> feedback and appreciate
> your concerns. I have only received negative
> responses from three very
> vocal people. Some of the information that is being
> put forward is
> misleading at best and untrue at worst. I
> understand that people have
> concerns about a 10 year contract. We are concerned
> about it too. We
> intend to address those concerns with Dishnetwork's
> representative this
> evening. I will be putting together a list of FAQs
> to be placed by the
> mailboxes. I might also forward to the group some
> of the comments that I
> have received in the last weeks and our responses
> which answer many
> questions.
> Thanks for the input.
> John Luedtke
> Belinda Leeney <> wrote:
> Board Members & Home Owners,
> I am hearing a lot of negative feedback about the
> Dish Network TV, and, like
> Paul, I am not able to attend board meetings due to
> work commitments.
> What is the plan for deciding on whether or not we
> will sign this 10 year
> contract? Are ALL the owners going to be able to put
> in their vote or ONLY
> the board members? Also, is there a way we can vote
> via an absentee ballot
> if we cannot attend the meeting (e.g., vote by
> email)?
> Please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Belinda Leeney, Unit 704
> As a side note, you might all want to take into
> consideration that if you
> choose this one cable provider, then you WILL NOT be
> able to have any other
> choice for cable modem/tv service (if you choose to
> have it). What are the
> chanes that Dish Network provides quality service?
> Has anyone even tried
> them? How would you lik! e to be stuck with horrible
> cable service for 10
> whole years and not have the opportunity to change
> it?? Do you really want
> to limit yourselves?
> >From:
> >To:
> >Subject: Dishnetwork
> >Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 00:10:01 EDT
> >
> >Board Members,
> > The issue of the satellite dish has caused me to
> ask some questions.
> >1. Does dish network currently have the capability
> to offer high speed
> >Internet access
> >2. If I or other residents do not want this service
> will we be forced to
> >subscribe to it if we want cable.
> >3. What are the exact savings by having this
> service.
> >4. Has Prime cable been contacted to see if they
> will offer a comparable
> >deal. I'm sure that they don't want to lose 105
> customers without offering
> >some kind of discount or brake on their high speed
> Internet access
> >5. What if a better service comes to our area and
> some res! idents want to
> >switch.
> >6. What guarantees do we have that dishnetwork
> won't hike up their prices
> >down the road.
> >7. Is dishnetwork HDTV compatible since most TV
> stations and televisions
> >sold
> >today are.
> >8. How will this contract with dishnetwork affect
> unit owners when they
> >sell
> >their units or will it affect them at all.
> >9. What happened to our rights to choose for
> ourselves what we want.
> >10. Did someone originally call dishnetwork or was
> it unsolicited.
> >11. If owners want a satellite dish instead of
> cable, can that dish be
> >placed
> >on the roof where nobody can see it.
> >These are just a few of the concerns that other
> unit owners and I have
> >about
> >this discussion. I work the evenings that the board
> meetings have been held
> >on and have not had the opportunity to hear the
> responses, if any, to these
> >questions. Personally, I do not like the idea of
> limi! ting my choices by
> >signing a 10 year exclusivity contract.
> >
> >Paul Sanchez
> >Unit 615
> >
> >PS
> > Since I cannot attend the board meeting, I would
> appreciate if another
> >unit owner could raise these issues.
> >
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