RE: Dishnetwork

Subject: RE: Dishnetwork
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Thu Aug 24 2000 - 08:50:05 CDT

Prices for the different plans is available at They have given us a list on
paper, but the lists are obsolete just after they are
printed because they keep adding channels.


--- Belinda Leeney <> wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for the list of FAQs. That was extremely
> helpful to have a collated
> list put together. The only other question that I
> have at this point is..
> What are the packages the owners will have to choose
> from and how much are
> they? I think before we can really make our
> decision, we need to have the
> price list presented. A discount has been
> mentioned, but we have not yet
> seen any figures.
> Please let me know if you have this information or
> if the pricing is still
> being worked out.
> Thanks again,
> Belinda Leeney
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