Re: bad neighbors

Subject: Re: bad neighbors
From: Belinda Leeney (
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 11:46:08 CDT

Also, has anyone looked into getting the back door fixed? Twice this
weekend, I was able to enter our building without using my key because the
door was not shut all the way. We really need to get that fixed because
with the rear gate not closing and the back door not closing, ANYONE off the
streets has access to our building.

Who do we contact? The board or First Properties?

Belinda Leeney

>From: Mary Janowski <>
>Subject: bad neighbors
>Date: 5 Sep 00 08:34:11 CDT
>Tom noted (in an e-mail on Sat) that some inconsiderate slob let his/her
>(I hope it was the dog) urinate in the elevator. This happened twice this
>weekend. I noted an occurrence again on Sunday. Granted, without access
>the rear gates it is a bother to use the rear elevator to move pets, but
>if the rear elevator had been used, to allow your dog to do this once, let
>alone twice, is the behavior of a poor, inconsiderate neighbor. Hopefully,
>the pet's owner realizes that the dog has no control and is now keeping the
>dog out of the elevator. Of course, if they are using the stairs to get
>is the dog pissing on the stairs?
>Once the rear gates are accessible I sincerely hope that pet owners will be
>required to use the rear elevator to get them up and down. And, when a pet
>has an accident, I sincerely hope the owner takes the measures to clean it
> It should not be left to another owner to do so. (Thanks, Tom)
>I sure hope the guarantee on the garage doors/gates runs for one year from
>when we started using them, not from when they were installed. The
>door has stopped operating twice this past week and the gate on the roof
>lot was stuck open on Sunday am.
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