parking areas

Subject: parking areas
From: Mary Janowski (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 12:52:59 CDT

A keyed lock has been installed on the gates leading to the side driveway. I
hope this means we will all soon be receiving keys. I also hope that pet
owners will then be required to use the rear elevator and entrance to get pets
up and downstairs as it appears that the elevator peeing dog has struck again.
 Of course now, the grass right outside this entrance will get ruined as it
has near the front doors. It is a shame that a few morons make all pet owners

Do not be lulled into a sense that your vehicle is safe in our parking spots.
Did anyone else experience a break-in in the underground garage on Tuesday
night/Wednesday morning? The overhead doors were ONCE AGAIN BROKEN and
someone broke a window on the car to get into the vehicle. This was a car
that was parked well into the garage, so the thief accepted the invitation of
the open door and the relative obscurity of the location to help him/herself
to the items that could be easily carried from the car. I guess I could be
faulted for assuming that the secure garage spot for which I paid was a
foolish place to park my car with items in it. From now on I will leave the
car unlocked and a window open so that a thief will not have to cause $250
worth of damage to get $50 worth of CDs. Also, does a work order have to be
filed to get Ali to clean up the broken glass or can these special requests be
made verbally? Ali knew it was there because John had told him about it, yet
it was not swept up.

Mary (614)

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