Subject: Things about Vanguard that are making me crazy...
From: Barbara Thomas (
Date: Sun Oct 01 2000 - 17:29:38 CDT
The stupidity and/or insensitivity of some of the people in our building
never ceases to amaze me. A while back, I requested that a sign be
placed on the back door of the building to remind people that it doesn't
always close and to make sure to pull it shut if it doesn't. The board
or Michael promptly put signs both inside and outside the door. This
weekend alone, I found that door open three times. What is with the
people in this building? Don't they care about their own security?
The other thing that is making me crazy:
It seemed like the stolen newspaper situation had resolved itself. I
haven't had a paper stolen since mid July and since no one has
complained here or on the bulletin boards lately, I assumed people had
finally figured out it wasn't a cool thing to do to their neighbors.
But on Saturday, my paper was gone and today (Sunday), I went
downstairs a little after 8:00 a.m. and ours was gone.
Put these things together with the dog problem--especially dogs peeing
in the eleveators and owners letting this happen and not cleaning up
after them is making me really grumpy.
Barbara Thomas
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