Re: Rules

Subject: Re: Rules
Date: Mon Nov 06 2000 - 13:01:46 CST

This stuff going on is more than an occasional accident. This is happening
far to often not to take action. This all could be avoided if the pet owner
in question paid more attention to their pets needs. Maybe walking the dog
more frequently is the answer. The bottom line problem is not the dog who
can't control themselves. It is the lazy ass pet owner!

                    .com To:
                    11/06/2000 Subject: Rules
                    12:29 PM

I just have one quick comment on the proposed rule that would restrict dog
owners from using the front elevator. Most of the dog owners use the area
next to the senior home on Van Buren for their dogs to urinate. Using the
front elevator is by far the quickest route to that spot. Making the dogs
wait, even the extra few minutes, might be a problem for those dogs that
already can't control themselves already. If the dogs are forced to wait,
are going to see accidents in the halls, by the side gate on Throop and on
the grass on Throop. I honestly think that this rule might cause more
accidents that what we have already seen. Also, The reason the back door is

always open is because it will not shut properly without some force. I
it should be repaired or replaced to solve the problem.

Paul Sanchez

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