Subject: Re: Vanguard lofts.
From: Tom Campbell (
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 08:51:04 CDT
At 08:32 AM 6/11/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> > I can't believe there is no discussion regarding the following:
> >
> > 1. Why is the door on Throop still broken?
> > 2. What is the story on the water draining into our deck from the
> building
> > next door, and
> > 3. Since Ali is no longer the maintenance man, and we've had problems
> with
> > theft from "inside jobs", when are the locks going to be changed?
>Good points, Delores.
>And, as long as we're grousing, when will that trashed car on the corner
>of our alley and Throop be carted away? It's been languishing there for
>a few weeks, contra city ordinances.
Have you called it in to 311?
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