
Subject: Elevators
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (michaelrut@firstpropertiesLLC.com)
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 12:50:47 CDT

Turns out the problem with the elevators is a power issue. However, instead of surges, the elevators are getting drops in power. With these brief losses of power, the on board computers of the elevators are loosing their memory and the reset button trips, locking up the elevator (or stopping 12 inches over the floor, or the doors not opening/closing properly.

Why is this suddenly happening? At this point, the only guess could be increased use of power in the bldg. from A/C units causing an increased demand. Why has this just started to occur? We don't know.

What are we doing to fix it? I have called ComEd to visit the building and run some tests. I should have some more answers within 24 hours.

Michael E. Rutkowski
773.935.5617 x11
First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management

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