Re: Elevators

Subject: Re: Elevators
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 12:14:37 CDT

      I am glad that you took the time to explain the elevator problems to
us. Most of the residents were just concerned about the fees involved in
those service trips. We dont think it would be fair to keep paying the
elevator company a fee each time they come to repair the same problem. On a
related subject, I was recently approached by a VERY angry resident who
objected to the fact that I was using the front elevator to walk my dog on
one of those days that the rear elevator was not working. I informed her
about the rear elevator but that did not seem to matter. I dont think that it
is unreasonable to use the front elevator (I used the rear exit) to walk my
dog when the rear elevator is not working. Am I wrong? Also, is there a way
of resetting the sensitivity on the rear gate? It seems that other residents
and I have to be within 3 feet of the gate in order for it to open. The
swinging gate does not seem to have that problem. Finally, I've noticed that
some dog owners allow their dogs to urinate and defecate in the driveway next
to the guest parking spots. I dont think that that is very sanitary since
people have to walk through that space. Plus, it is just disgusting. Although
I've only seen the same resident do this, I dont want this to become a major

Paul Sanchez
Unit 615

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