High speed internet access

Subject: High speed internet access
From: Jim Thomas (jthomas@sun.soci.niu.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 12:48:49 CDT

I was going to send this privately, but thought maybe the information
would be useful to others.

We're finding that internet (especially telnet) access through AOL
or even through long-distance dialup to a private provide is
often stunningly slow. The problem seems unrelated to our PC or
laptop, because it occurs with both. And, using the laptop for
connectivity from other cities hasn't been a problem. Are others
experiencing slowness? I thought it might be a problem with Ameritech

This raises a second question: How are those with high speed access
getting it? Is anybody using Ameritech?

How is DISH? Can they install an internet connection anyplace there is
a phone line?

What about Sprint Broadband? Sprint would require a dish on the
roof (line of sight to their tower, which we have from the top of
our building). Would this require permission from First Properties?
>From the Board? Is there one there already?

What are others doing, how's it working, and what would you recommend?


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
   jthomas@sun.soci.niu.edu / http://www.soci.niu.edu/~jthomas

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