Subject: Re: garage security
From: Doug Fantastic (
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 13:05:46 CDT
I agree that pedestrian gate out to the alley is a
very good idea and would increase convenience, safety
and probably decrease gate breakdowns.
--- Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Jul 2001 wrote:
> > The radio was stolen from my car while it was
> parked in the underground
> > garage. Both the police and my insurance agent
> were amazed when I told
> > them that access to the garage is often unlimited
> because the side
> > driveway gate malfunctions and stays opened.
> The pedestrian gate that Mary suggested would be a
> good idea. People going
> in/out with pets, people just going out for
> walks/exercise would find
> it far more convenient, and it would certainly
> increase security.
> Costly? Maybe, but so it the continued problem of
> garage theft (let alone
> the potential for injury if a resident encounters a
> thief alone
> underground).
> jt
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern
> Illinois University
> /
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