Subject: Re: notice re locks, etc
From: Belinda Leeney (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 19:50:29 CDT
You covered everything except for the roof, which is my #1 priority since I
am directly affected. (Also, other people will soon get affected.. a small
leak always turns into a much bigger problem if not taken care of properly
and right away.) What can we do to get that fixed asap?
>From: "Michael E. Rutkowski (work)" <>
>Subject: Re: notice re locks, etc
>Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 17:42:20 -0500
>Yes, some people have installed some unique locks (some brass, some have
>made holes in the doors, etc.)
>Gate repair has been called in. I'm anxious for the additional camera
>that is to be installed in the drive because the only thing that could
>be tripping the reset button (which is what is happening, and because
>this is a heavy duty operator, it cannot be opened with a key as the old
>one could) is someone stopping or holding the gate. (To let a friend in
>or out?) I've had the gate checked out for mechanical problems, and it
>is OK otherwise.
>The meeting not being posted was an oversight. The date was set so long
>ago (over a month) that I forgot about as the time approached. I
>believe in posting announcements of Board meetings so those interested
>can attend and communicated that to the Board from the start. Your
>Board agrees. However, the Board is NOT required to notify owners of
>the meetings...the requirement is that the Board is notified. For an
>Owners' meeting, yes, there is a requriement that the owners are
>notified. But, this was a Board meeting. Some condos may have a notice
>requriement (other than Board notification) written into their own by
>laws, but Vanguard does not, and the IL Condo Prop Act does not require it.
>So, the lack of posting notice was an oversight, but not a failure to
>meet any sort of requriement
>We are looking into other options for the pedestrian garage door that is
>missing. As an added bit of security, the doors inside the west
>stairwell of the garage are being fitted with doors that lock. You will
>need a key to enter the garage. This doesn't help those on top, but it
>seems the our problems are concentrated in the garage (our car got
>broken into the same night as Mary's).
>Hope this clarifies things.
> wrote:
>>Is there an explanation for the notice posted concerning "approved" locks?
>>Has someone installed an unusually hideous lock? I'm sure this posting is
>>the result of a discussion at the last board meeting.
>>The side gate is again, stuck open and has been for at least 4 hours
>>today. Anyone has access to vehicles in both the underground and deck
>>parking spots. There are signs warning that activity in the underground is
>>being monitored, but is that deterrent enough (hopefully, thieves
>>understand the word "surveillance")? Was a pedestrian gate discussed at
>>the last meeting? How about the replacement of the side door into the
>>Which raises another question: Why wasn't this meeting advertised as they
>>are required to be so that owners could have attended if they wanted? I,
>>for one, wonder what was on the agenda that the owners weren't supposed to
>>hear. Probably nothing "secret", but if meetings are held without owners
>>being notified, this paranoia might become infectious among those
>>seemingly excluded from the meetings. True, the minutes are made
>>available, but the fact is, that except in certain instances, all board
>>meetings must, by law, be announced to owners before they are held.
>>Thanks for listening to my concerns. Hopefully, they will not be taken as
>>personal attacks on any person(s) (as discussions in this forum sometimes
>>are). They are definitely not meant to be anything other than
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