Satellite problem

Subject: Satellite problem
From: Paul Sanchez (
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 11:21:59 CST

        Has anyone else had problems with their satellite reception. For some
reason I cannot get about a third of my channels. I called Dish network and
they said it was a cable problem. The most disturbing thing is that USA
dish has not called or been to the building since I reported the problem
over two weeks ago. I thought that one of the conditions in our 10 year
exclusivity contract, which is a complete joke, was that they would provide
adequate and timely service. Two weeks of constant calls on my behalf and
no satisfaction does not sound timely service. What else can I do?

Paul Sanchez
University of Chicago
Department of Human Genetics
920 E. 58th Street
CLSC Room 501
Chicago, IL. 60637

Phone: 773-702-5898
Fax: 773-834-0505

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