Subject: Re: elevators-AGAIN
From: Daniel P. Curry (
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 18:04:41 CST
Yes, contrary to what First Properties LLC might tell
When you increase an assessment from $173 per month to
$220 per month that is a 27% increase-- not an 18%
increase. Now you can say it's 18% all you want but
that doesn't change the reality... it's still 27%.
What do we get for these stratospheric assessments?
Leaky roof, broken elevators, an association that just
takes messages, an emergency phone number to call that
doesn't respond, etc... .
--- Belinda Leeney <> wrote:
> Replacing the elevators MIGHT be a viable option as
> long as we can use money
> that is already in the budget. If we are going to
> get hit with a "special
> assessment", then my vote would be definitely NO.
> Get ALL TYPES to FIX the
> problem, not avoid it. If you buy a $25,000 car and
> it stops working after
> 2 years, you're not just going to go to another
> dealer an buy another new
> car. You'd go back to the original dealer and make
> them fix the problem.
> We were just hit with a 27.44% increase on our
> assessments, and I think
> another jump or "special assessment" is completely
> unacceptable.
> Belinda Leeney
> >From: Jim Thomas <>
> >To:
> >CC:
> >Subject: Re: elevators-AGAIN
> >Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 11:01:36 -0600 (CST)
> >
> > > Maybe I'm in a minority, but I would like to
> think that there is
> > > something we can do besides offer excuses.
> Maybe this was a ploy to get
> > > more residents incensed so they will show up at
> the Board meeting
> > > tonight to see if it will be discussed.
> >
> >Mary's suggestion that we consider investing in
> elevator upgrades despite
> >the expense is worth serious consideration. Here's
> another thought in
> >support of it: The elevator problems won't
> disappear. The risks of
> >getting stuck on one are like Russian roulette -
> it's not a matter of
> >"if," but "when." Last week, I retrieved the techie
> from Sun Ray who
> >was stuck when the elevator stopped half-way off
> the floor and he had
> >to swing down through the gap. Scarry. This isn't
> just an inconvenience,
> >it's potentially dangerous, and becomes a potential
> liability issue for us
> >all.
> >
> >Another factor: When we bring in guests, and have
> to walk up the stairs,
> >or worse--if the elevator gets stuck--we look
> silly.
> >
> >Another factor: Faulty elevators potentially reduce
> the resale value of
> >units.
> >
> >While replacing elevators may seem expensive, over
> the long run it might
> >actually be a economically wise.
> >
> >jt
> >
> >
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