Subject: Special Assessments
From: Doug Fantastic (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 20:27:51 CDT
I take it from the special assessment calculation,
that everyone is sharing in the cost of the garage.
I understand not wanting to parse out seperate
repairs of different groups(for example, should those
on the first floor be required to pay the elevator
repair?) The answer to that is that every unit holder
bought into the building and its upkeep. But I
believe the case of the garage is distinctly different
because the Garage is seperately deeded.
It becomes clearer when you take the flip side:
If someone owned just a parking spot should the
required to pay for upkeep of the entire adjacent
building for which they have no stake? I don't think
that makes sense.
Please tell me why the cost of this seperate property
is being shared by all?
Douglas Butrick
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