needed for evacuation plan

Subject: needed for evacuation plan
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 09:28:39 CDT

Does anyone have a copy of the brochure that was distributed by Rezmar when we bought our units? I am interested in a copy of the total floor plan that was included (at least in the one I got), not the individual unit plans. We need to have a copy of it for the evac plan. Let me know via e-mail or by phone: home:312-492-8451 or work: 773-534-3030 x133. I'll make sure you get it back.

Also-I'm sure that whoever is responsible will not take "credit" for this but-I had two bags of potting soil stored under the rear stairs on the first floor. They were purchased to be used in the planters on the front steps. I had intentions of putting another planter on Van Buren once I saw that the one on Throop was not going to be stolen again. Well, someone "borrowed" the full bag, leaving the open, half-empty bag. The soil was only $6, but it's the principal of it. I used my OWN money to do something for the entire association. Would the person who took the soil for their own planting, please replace the bag which they erroneously thought was meant for general use? If you know who took it (many owners do not read these postings) could you please appeal to their sense of community (which I'm sure is non-existent) and ask them to replace it.


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