Subject: RE: satellite problem
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 10:18:30 CDT
I, too, have been having sporadic problems w/ TV reception, especially on WGN. (Thank God the Cubs aren't worth watching). It gets all "pixelated" or goes blank, tho the sound is ok. I usually only watch TV because there's nothing else to do, so I simply change to another channel. Therefore, I never reported it to Dish. If no one else is having problems, maybe it's just our end of the 6th floor.
Mary (614)
Paul Sanchez <> wrote:
> I've called USA dish several times because I am having problems
>with our satellite reception. I've left 4 messages over a 2 week period
>with no response from that company. This is the same problem that I've had
>on and off ever since the system was installed. I have to say that their
>service is severely deficient and might warrant some sort of discussion by
>the board members. Maybe we can send a letter stating our concerns with
>their service. I know that I am NOT the only resident who feels this way.
>What do you think?
>Paul Sanchez
>University of Chicago
>Department of Human Genetics
>920 E. 58th Street
>CLSC Room 501
>Chicago, IL. 60637
>Phone: 773-702-5898
>Fax: 773-834-0505
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