mailroom security

Subject: mailroom security
From: Deskovich, Mary (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 17:38:14 CST

The resident who had a rug stolen should be advised that, if possible, items
should be shipped UPS or FedEx. Neither will leave packages unless you sign
for them, witnessed by the number of post-it notices each day. Recently I
happened to be coming in as the UPS guy was leaving w/ quite a few
"undeliverable" packages. I offered to sign for them since I know what a
pain in the a-- redelivery or picking them up on Jefferson can be. I figured
I would put notes under doors telling people I had the stuff. The driver
would not even leave them with me although it was obvious I was a resident
since I was using a key to get in.

I'm wondering if a camera in the mailroom would be a deterrent. This most
recent incident had to be captured on tape since the rather large envelopes
were obviously taken through the back lobby which has cameras to be ripped
open in the rear stairwell. This didn't seem to slow anyone down.

Hope everyone has a Happy, Safe New Year.

Mary (614)

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