RE: taxes on parking

Subject: RE: taxes on parking
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 15:21:33 CST

Mary - I know this was a while ago, but the April, 2001 Vanguard Voice did address the issue somewhat:

Taxes, not the most pleasant subject to discuss, but taxes are inevitable.

2001 will be the first year Vanguard residents will pay property taxes on their units. Property taxes are payable in arrears, meaning 2000 taxes are due 2001.

The 1st installment of Cook County taxes were due March 1. Because the first installment equals half of the previous year's total tax, and Vanguard had no individual taxes the previous year, residents will receive their first bill in the fall. However, each owner may want to call the Cook County Treasurer's Office at 312.443.5100 to confirm. You will need your unit's Permanent Index Number when inquiring, and all owners should have received that number in a letter from First Properties.

To make things even more confusing, coming next year will be tax bills for individual parking spaces. Because all of the parking at Vanguard is "individually deeded parking," a separate tax bill is issued for each space. As you are well aware, the parking garage was not completed until 2000, so most likely, no tax bills for parking will be issued until the fall of 2002. This applies even to parkers in the remote lot, as the lot division was not filed until 2000.

A final note: mortgage escrows. Each owner should check with their lender and determine if a portion of your monthly payment is set aside for your lender to pay the property taxes on your behalf. If this is the case, you will not need to send any money when your property tax bill arrives!

 "Deskovich, Mary " <> wrote:Tom is correct that we rec'd a notice from 1P to change the address on our
tax bills. However, we didn't have PINs for the parking at that time. As a
matter of fact, the reminder from Michael gave us PINs but they were for our
units only. It was never mentioned that there was a separate number for
parking and that we should research that also. I guess we should have known
to do so.

What I would like to find out from someone (I've e-mailed Michael and left
messages at Rezmar and LaSalle Bank) is: Who received the 2001 tax bills for
parking spots? Friday was the first time I knew my parking spot PIN. My
taxes are not escrowed by my mortgage company so they never rec'd the bills
or the PIN.

Could anyone who knew their parking tax PIN before these delinquent notices
appeared please tell me how they found out what they were?

Also-I've heard from several people who keep telling me that their taxes
have been paid. I caution them to make sure they or their mortgage company
has been paying TWO SEPARATE bills every time.


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