Re: Curious about parking space taxes

Subject: Re: Curious about parking space taxes
From: Michael E. Rutkowski \(First Properties\) (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 13:13:34 CST


I replied to all your emails yesterday. I spoke with John L. and let him
know a mailing will be going out to all owners regarding the tax situation
by Wed.

I will restate what I said yesterday: Any tax information sent to First
Properties from Rezmar is forwarded to the appropriate owner.

To say that your concerns are being "ignored" I feel is unfair...I have
responded to to most of your emails within hours...if not minutes...of them
being sent.

Michael E. Rutkowski
First Properties, LLC
Phone: 312.829.8900
Fax: 312.829.8950
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: "Vanguard Discussion" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 11:57 AM
Subject: Curious about parking space taxes

> Seems like lots of us have asked some questions that remain unanswered
> regarding tax notifications and such. One that has been asked in
> various ways but hasn't been answered yet: What's been happening to
> the tax notifications that have gone from LaSalle to....Rezmar? 1P?
> Now, if 2002 parking space tax notifications were mailed to LaSalle,
> who did LaSalle send them to? Did 1P receive them? If so, what was done
> with them?
> What's 1P doing about the situation now to notify owners of potential
> delinquent taxes? Given the potential magnitude of the problem, and that
> a tax sale to non-owners/residents could be a problem for us, I would
> hope that 1P is doing something to make owners aware of the current
> problem.
> What I'm finding a bit troublesome is the suggestion that 30 of us
> could be dismissed as "to blame" for not paying attention, as if that
> resolved the matter, and no further discussion necessary.
> Given that a significant majority of owners are in arrears for parking,
> the problem can't be dismissed as simply the result of a few irresponsible
> owners. So, a few questions:
> Why is 1P apparently ignoring our concerns raised here?
> Why did a private individual, rather than 1P, take the initiative
> to post a notice about this to the owners?
> What happened to the 2002 parking space notices from LaSalle bank?
> Did 1P receive them? If so, what happened to them?
> Sorry to start getting a bit strident on this, but there are some
> questions to be answered, and it would be nice if 1P starts paying
> attention to these rather serious concerns rather than silence.
> Michael, do you have some answers?
> Jim Thomas / 501

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