Re: The vanguard discussion list is back up

Subject: Re: The vanguard discussion list is back up
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri Sep 12 2003 - 15:49:06 CDT

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Doug B wrote:

> Do new residents need to contact you to get their
> email address on the discussion list?

As of now, yes. This might be something for the board to think about.
But, most of us would prefer a closed list where subscribers are
screened a bit to be sure they're residents. Currently, people can
sub or unsub in several ways:

1) Send a note directly to me

2) send a note to this address:
   with no message, but ONLY THIS in the subject line:
   subscribe vanguard-talk
(the request will be vetted before adding to the list)

3) We need to tweak the homepage a bit, but in a few days, they can
also subscribe by sending a form from the homepage, although it might
be easier to scrap the form and have it more hands-on through email.

4) Slip a note under my door (unit #501) with name, unit number, and
email address.


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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