Subject: PARTY!!!
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 18:02:48 CDT
Vanguard Lofts Garage Party
The Vanguard Lofts Homeowners Association invites all members/residents to meet on Friday, September 26th. Starting at 7PM there will be grills in the lot outside the back door and a grillmaster cooking up burgers and sausage. Chips will also be provided. This is a BYOB affair, but coolers with ice will be set up.
You are also invited to bring down your famous dip, dessert, side dish, etc. to share with your neighbors. However, don’t let a lack of culinary talent stop you from joining us.
This is an excellent opportunity to figure out who’s who at VL. Let’s put names together with those faces we pass in the halls, share an elevator with, or park near.
(The party will be held rain or shine. If the weather doesn’t cooperate the party will move into the underground garage)
If you have any questions, suggestions, etc., talk with Debra or Carl (401), Mary (614) or Kim (714)
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