Subject: Re: Assessment deadlines
From: vasilios litsas (
Date: Thu Mar 11 2004 - 22:56:38 CST
please read attached file.....thank you.....we all need to come together on this issue and voice our concerns.....we cannot let first properties dictate such a huge financial decision in such a short time......
vasilios litsas
unit 704
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1250 W. Van Buren #708
Chicago, IL 60607
March 10, 2004
Michael E. Rutkowski, Sr. Property Manager
760 N. Ogden Ave.
Suite 2200
Chicago, IL 60622
Attention: Special Assessment
Dear Michael E. Rutkowski of First Properties LLC and The Vanguard Lofts
This is a formal petition to the Board and First Properties LLC by Jenny
Lee,owner of Unit #708 at 1250 W. Van Buren. After consulting with several
attorneys that specialize in condominium law, I have been advised that it is
within my rights as an owner to submit a petition to the Board to come up
with a mutually satisfactory payment plan for the recent special assessment.
I have been told that each owner should be given the opportunity to work out
a acceptable payment plan specific to his or her financial situation and
thatthe Board and First Properties LLC needs to recognize my request for a
petition. Until the Board addresses me, I cannot enter into any financial
agreement with First Properties LLC and this March 12th deadline is put on
hold. I find the suggested payment plan unreasonable and suspect to inquiry.
I look forward to hearing from the Board and can be contacted at
My assessment amount is a huge sum and a 3-month deadline for the funds is
blatantly unfair. We owners need to be presented with a longer payment plan
option (12 month timeline is the minimum), without being coerced into a
loan.I am not alone in my protest, and if a request for a longer payment
plantimeline is ignored by First Properties LLC and The Board, your
mismanagement of our property and our misrepresentation as owners will be
open to serious review.
Jenny Lee
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