Subject: Re: Assessment deadlines
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Mar 11 2004 - 20:35:02 CST
> As mentioned, you can always sign up for the Association's financing which will buy you time to explore as many other options as you'd like. You could pay off your obligation in May, June December, whatever you choose. That seems very reasonable to me.
Michael, with all respect, I think that you're missing the point. What
seems reasonable to you IS NOT reasonable to others. When folks are
out of town, they may lack the time and the available resources by which
to pursue funding. You previously indicated that "you either have the
money or you don't." That's a simplistic and inappropriate response.
People manage finances in different ways, have diverse financial
obligations, and may not know a) whether they have available resources,
or b) which, of many possible options to explore and select. That you
think such a weighty decision can be made so easily within a few days
is stunningly insensitive.
I'm disappointed that you didn't really respond to the concerns
of timing, both of notification of how we intend to pay and of
the actual payment schedule. That you insist on seeing all of your
deadlines as reasonable and insist on imposing your own financial
model on others is a bit high-handed. You see, Michael, not everybody
accepts your economic model for their personal finances.
It is not possible for Barbara/me to meet your March 12 deadline to notify
First Properties of our own method of payment. We will do so in a timely
fashion, but only after we return to town and explore options. While you
may find your demands reasonable, less than 6 days to come up with a
payment plan and less than 25 to provide half of the assessment costs
is not realistic, and simply reiterating your rationale does not make
it more-so. Some of us look for the most cost-effective way to come
up with funds rather than just leap blindly into the "take out a loan"
strategy that you seem to advocate for folks. That's not smart for
tenants and it's rather bad PR for First Properties.
Jim Thomas
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