Re: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes

Subject: Re: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 09:55:54 CDT


I've not personally had a problem, but I agree with you completely that if
we have a theft problem in the building, and that's what this is, the
association ought to take measures to stop it and to protect owners'
property. You might also be able to get the police involved since
stealing mail is a federal crime.

Christie Ross
Anixter Inc.
2301 Patriot Blvd.
Mailstop 2N
Glenview, IL 60025

"Michele Tittle" <>
Sent by:
05/11/2004 09:26 AM
Please respond to vanguard-talk

        To: <>
        cc: (bcc: Christie Ross/USC/AXE)
        Subject: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes

Is there ANYTHING we can do to install a security camera at the maiboxes.
I have had my 6th packaged stolen since I moved into Vanguard since
January. I have called the post office, I have instructed that no
packages be left for me and that I am called to come down to get them (I
have a home office) and/or they leave a slip if I am not at home. Despite
my best efforts- I am only called on about 1 out of 5 packages and about
one out of every 4 of those is being stolen. I have posted signs as well
and I understand from talking with neighbors I am not the only one who has
had packages stolen.

I am out almost $650.00 now because the packages are being confirmed as
delivered so I have no recourse with the shippers. My only other option
is to get a post office box but that is just an additional expense and
huge inconvenience. I know this issue has been brought up before but I
don't recall the outcome and why we can't do this. Can this be brought up
at the next home owners meetings or can someone explain why this is not an

Thank you.

Michele Tittle

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