Re: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes

Subject: Re: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes
From: Michele Tittle (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 10:10:23 CDT

Thanks Debra- I have already tried that route several times and we must have
more then one carrier, because the woman is pretty good about it, but 90% of
my packages are still left unattended downstairs regardless of chats, phone
calls and note I posted (and was taken down!?!). These aren't signature
required packages always, just Priority Mail tracking orders that confirm
when they were left. Some of them are personal, some stuff is client
related so I can't always control how things are shipped, I just don't know
why my stuff is so popular. Fed X and UPS are both great, the UPS guy and I
are good buddies now- so I try to use UPS whenever I can cause he will hold
my stuff when I am traveling on business.

Anyway- if a camera isn't the right choice, then I will take Mary Beth's
recommendation and just get a post office box, I see no other option and I
guess it is cheaper in the long run.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Debra Aaron" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:51 AM
Subject: RE: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes

> It sounds to me like the issue is with the U.S. Post office. How can they
> confirm a delivery without a signature from you? I don't think the postal
> carrier is required to phone or leave a message that you have a package
> downstairs if it's something that is sent regular mail or parcel. Have
> packages sent certified or registered (requiring a signature - it's not
> much more and cheaper than losing $650) or FedX, UPS, DHL, Airborne.
> Personally I have never had anything missing or stolen but I don't use the
> U.S. Post office for any package that wouldn't fit in our mail boxes.
> Unfortunately we don't have a mail room in our building.... just mail
> I would also suggest that you stop down and have a chat with our mail
> carrier and see what he or she could suggest. I think they come anywhere
> from 1 - 2 pm but not positive.
> Sorry you're having problems.
> Debra
> >From: "Michele Tittle" <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes
> >Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 09:26:50 -0500
> >
> >
> >
> >Is there ANYTHING we can do to install a security camera at the maiboxes.
> >I have had my 6th packaged stolen since I moved into Vanguard since
> >January. I have called the post office, I have instructed that no
> >be left for me and that I am called to come down to get them (I have a
> >office) and/or they leave a slip if I am not at home. Despite my best
> >efforts- I am only called on about 1 out of 5 packages and about one out
> >every 4 of those is being stolen. I have posted signs as well and I
> >understand from talking with neighbors I am not the only one who has had
> >packages stolen.
> >
> >I am out almost $650.00 now because the packages are being confirmed as
> >delivered so I have no recourse with the shippers. My only other option
> >to get a post office box but that is just an additional expense and huge
> >inconvenience. I know this issue has been brought up before but I don't
> >recall the outcome and why we can't do this. Can this be brought up at
> >next home owners meetings or can someone explain why this is not an
> >
> >Thank you.
> >
> >Michele Tittle
> >#701
> >
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