RE: Was there another breakin today?

Subject: RE: Was there another breakin today?
From: Georgeann Bosco (
Date: Thu Dec 29 2005 - 14:36:38 CST

How do we go about calling an emergency meeting?

Georgeann Bosco Smith #513

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kimberly
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Was there another breakin today?

This is very alarming. We are having a this occur all too often now. I
believe we need both an owner's meeting AND a security guard. It appears
the day time is the most vulnerable. Maybe having the guard on duty to
midnight? Was the mugging today? Which floor was the latest attempt and
HOW do these people keep getting access to our building?

Tom Kikta <> wrote:

Loretta just e-mailed the board members and indicated there was another
break-in attempt. Apparently they were scared away because the unit
owner's alarm went off. She also indicated one of our unit owners got
mugged in front of the building. They caught the two muggers...on 14
years old, the other 16 years old...that might have been why you saw the
paddy wagon in front of the building.

Loretta suggested we maybe get a security guard on board, at least
temporarily until we get a more permanent solution in place. I believe
we are trying to get a meeting together for all unit owners.

Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects

>>> 12/29/2005 2:02 PM >>>

There was a paddy wagon and at least two police cars around the loft
today. Was this because something happened again inside, or was it
something else?

Anybody have any info?

Jim / 501

Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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