Re: (no subject)

Subject: Re: (no subject)
From: Kerry Judd (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 13:31:26 CST

Hi Everyone,
  I use SBC/AT&T for my DSL and haven't had any problems at all, so it must be the Dish Network. Good luck.
  I recently inquired about getting a DVR / TiVo. My dad helped me put everything together at the end of December, and basically (after phone calls with USA Dish) we found that Dish Network would not be providing us with any updated equipment, so we went with TiVo. Roddy did mention that he believed USA Dish would be offering our building the option to purchase DVR equipment in a few months, but I'm not sure how true that is.
  There was an issue with our satellite boxes providing a single tuner vs. a dual tuner. I ended up having to buy the model of TiVo with only one tuner because there wasn't a way to get dual tuners with our satellite boxes (you would have to buy a second tuner to be able to use TiVo with a dual tuner). With a single tuner DVR/TiVo, you cannot record on one channel while watching another channel, and you cannot record two programs on different channels at the same time. When I bought the TiVo there was a rebate for the full purchase price, so I figured I'd give it a try (you still have to purchase TiVo service though, not covered by the rebate), not sure if the sale is still going on.
  Anyway, just some some information so you can avoid a few headaches if you decide to go with TiVo. By the way, if anyone can explain better, feel free, I'm not good with electronics! Joy, if you have any more questions, just drop me a note, or stop by.
  Derek Lane <> wrote:
  The current situation with Roddy basically is there isn't one. He does not return phone calls and has re-scheduled meetings he was going to have with some board members. There are continuous efforts at trying to contact him but they have gone unsuccessful. We do not have any options except to live out the remainder of the contract with USA Dish which continues through 2009. I know everyone is unhappy with the current situation of NO HD or DVR systems but the likelihood of Roddy doing anything is very remote.
I am not familiar with his Internet service but if it's as reliable as his dish service I would look at other providers.

Thanks wrote:
We have had problems at other times with ours, but not recently. Have you called to report it to them?


-------------- Original message ---------------------- From: "John Mulligan" > > We have been having a problem with the Internet service provided by Dish > Network. It seems to have been out for a week. Has anyone else noticed this > problem. > > John 614 > > _________________________________________________________________ > Get in the mood for Valentine's Day. View photos, recipes and more on your > page. > > >

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