Re: (no subject)

Subject: Re: (no subject)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 13:53:11 CST

>and has re-scheduled meetings he was going to have with some board
> members.

In fairness to Roddy, the meeting he rescheduled was on the Friday night
of that big snow storm last December. He has called several times to
try to reschedule, but holidays and things pushed it back. We're currently
trying to work out a time to meet in the next few weeks to discuss the
concerns that you've all raised.

If you call his cell (I don't have it with me at the moment), you
can usually get him.

We've had very good Internet service with him, and Solius has been very
quick to come out on the few times there's been a problem.

Jim / 501

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